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Vision and Strategy

CEORichard Sagong

iM Asset Investment&Management, a family member of DGB Financial Group since Oct. 2016, has entered a new era of growth to become a preeminent, fully-integrated asset manager based on our philosophy of “creating greater value through our clients’ faith and trust”.

Our industry is changing rapidly on many fronts – market participants are deploying cutting-edge technology, conducting big data analyses and broadening the investment universe beyond traditional asset classes in order to cope with ever-changing market conditions and enhance performance.

Against this backdrop, iM Asset Investment&Management is proactively tackling these issues and turning them into our competitive advantage. We are committed to reciprocating your trust on us by providing customized solutions and delivering superior risk-adjusted returns, thus becoming your most-trusted financial partner for life.

We will constantly strive to capitalize on our capabilities with the highest integrity and earn your trust throughout your journey with us.

iM Asset Investment&Management appreciates your continued interest and support as we take a new leap forward. Thank you.